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Monday, September 22, 2008 . 7:06 AM

http://music-equals-me.blogspot.com/ Moved =)

Friday, July 04, 2008 . 6:09 PM

Wow, how long has it been since I last blogged. lol.

Anyway, I obviously changed my blogskin (without posting wow).

I recently did song shopping so that I'm updated with the music scene, or at least the Top 20 for 5 countries. And well, here's some of them:

1. Jason Mraz -- I'm Yours
Rather relaxing, I think it's a nice change for Mr. A-Z, and also different from the rest of the songs currently. Somewhat like Hey There Deliah I guess. Not my taste though.

2. Coldplay -- Viva La Viva
Standard Coldplay style, so I wasn't very impressed, but I still like it due to the atmosphere the background music creates (the Violin and Flute is a nice twist). Another song that is different from our current R&B (Is our music prefrences changing or are we just bored?)

3. Rihanna -- Take a Bow
Another slow song. A pattern is seen here... Anw, this one is unique compared to the rest of her songs, and the lyrics are relatively heartwarming. As usual, she sweeps the Top 20 Charts

4. Madonna feat. Justin Timberlake -- 4 Minutes
I really love this song, it's quick and energetic, and trumpets + rap seems very unique. Music Video distrubs me, and so is Madonna working with Justin Timberlake. Oh well, its top for thw World Top 20, so yea =P

5. Lil Wayne -- Lollipop
Very ordinary, I don't think much of it. Seriously.

6. Keep Bleeding
Uber strong vocals, Great chorus, and I'm running out of time to post.

Oh by the way --- TWS recommended us a nice song, thought you might want to listen:



Friday, May 30, 2008 . 6:35 AM

I was originally thinking of typing something emo but then again, I decided not to. After all I pledged myself not to turn it into an emo blog.

So I shall vent my emoness soon right after this post at my emo blog =D
I want my Adidas shirt!! And my 20 dollars!!

But SOME people just didn't update us, as usual.

Now I am going to be so screwed, and given the long lecture by my parents again about how last minute stuff are.

Ah well.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008 . 5:14 AM

CO Camp was FUNN =D
I love my killing spree =D
I love making others do pushups
I love having God status
I love Oreos!
I love breaking rules
I love making Kailun strip instead of me XD
I Love buying drinks and playing music in front of those who can't
I love making mayhem with Jia Jin
I love speaking in riddles, which gives others the impression im a lit student (LOL)
I love Samuel's random imitation of a Arabian lady HAHA
I love Group 3 and 4 =D

Thanks guys, though this camp isn't really a camp, but that one day is quite memorable :)

Special Thanks to sooo tired and cytam for organising this camp, Mr. Voo for making me miss strip hour ><, and Mr Ben. Chang for coming down to participate in our camp! SIR YOU RAWK!
It is now, I suddenly realise I haven't been doing much for social life.
Like yesterday Jiemin lookalike ask me go for lunch with him and hongboz and cytam etc, but i too tired, so i refused =(
I should have just gone on, even though I was exhausted. Friends are always the best solution. And I am being a hypocrite after our midnite discussion.
Not only this, but other sectors as well, Sharon, Katie, Alvin, Wilson -- basically those outside of my class.

I want my life back!
Thnks 4 the Mmrs,

Saturday, May 24, 2008 . 6:00 AM

SS was fun =D

Yesterday (or rather TODAY), I went with Jian Hang, Marcus, Hee Zhi and Snowy round Singapore to explore the Night Life here. started at 10.30 and ended at 3.30 ><

I am damn tired now, still not enough sleep, cos I had Founder's Day in the morning zz. So I'll just say what I found most impressive.

Clarke Quay is magicial. Yea sure I went there myself quiate a few times, but only 2 one sector. I never went around the WHOlE place. And When I mean magicial, I mean you can feel it. We all did. We just wanted to lie on the side of the Bridge over the Singapore River and sleep, as the other people just pass by, chatting happily.

"You made me feel like home again" -- Blake lewis, "Love Song"

How I missed that feeling. Can't wait to return there later this month.

Anyway thnks my group for putting in so much effort. Our footage is great, and I am very sure we can score well for this assignments. Most importantly, I hope you all learnt a lot of lessons in life as well =)


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 . 7:43 AM

I need more Blake Lewis songs!

Send me links if you know any!!
Hectic days are finally over
Now can finally get back to Jiang *hur hur*

Saturday, May 03, 2008 . 6:46 AM

Coincidences. wow.
Mrs Ong is my cousin zzz.